Business Type
Your business does better on..
Locations/ Branches
Rate your understanding of the benefits a CRM system can provide to your business.
No Understanding
Excellent Understanding
How effectively do you currently manage customer data?
Not Effective
Extremely Effective
Evaluate your current ability to target and retarget customers through marketing campaigns.
No Ability
Excellent Ability
How do you get to know your customers?
How tech-savvy do you consider yourself and your management team?
Not Savvy
Extremely Savvy
Select all digital tools you are currently using:
How high is your perceived need for a CRM system to improve customer relationships?
Very Low
Very High
How willing are you to invest in CRM technology within the next year?
Not Willing
Extremely Willing
In the meantime, please let us know a little bit more about you before we proceed :)
Business Name
Phone Number
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